Sunday, October 10, 2010

Peddlers Faire

Peddlers Faire you ask? The Peddlers Faire is a place for local vendors to show off and sell their wares, which can be anything from furniture to glassware. It took place at the Kern County Museum this year. I'm so glad I was told about this event because it was great. I got to hang out with my two sisters-in law, Katie and Denise and the cutest little nephew in the world! I'll be honest, when Henry was there I did more playing than browsing, but I like to think I gave his mother a chance to look through all the treasures :) Another friend showed up later right as Henry was about fed up with the whole thing so I got a chance to walk through again and check things out. There were a lot of things I loved and most of the things I did purchase came from my freind Lidy and her husband Joel's booth called Vintage Peach. I knew it would be trouble looking at her wares because I had a feeling we had the same taste. Boy was I right! I could have carted off a lot of things from them. I hope they did well because they had such wonderful things to offer all who came.

Below are all the items I purchased. Everything besides the vase was purchased from Vintage Peach.

The chair and mirror now have special places in my bedroom where they add just the little spice of unexpectedness I was going for.

And yes the fabric is a green zebra print, what more could a girl ask for?!

The vase holds no flowers yet, I will soon buy some to brighten our kitchen.

The green glass bowl and teacup holder have been repurposed to hold my jewelry, very stylishly I might add.

Not pictured above are the little yellow things hanging from my necklace holder in the first picture. Those are handmade wash cloths. They are the best! I have already put them to work and have decided that I need to make some of these myself!

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